Blair Bell Education Centre


Located in the grounds of Liverpool Women’s Hospital, the brand new purpose built Blair Bell Education Centre offers state-of-the-art facilities for professional presentations, supported the Education Centre staff. Designed and installed by skilled professionals, our audio-visual facilities enable speakers to give dynamic multimedia presentations. With a choice of room sizes and excellent support services, we can accommodate events such as exhibitions, conferences and training courses.

Blair Bell atrium

Our customers' needs and expectations are paramount and we endeavour to monitor and evaluate our service to be responsive to these. The flexibility of our facilities together with the support of Education Centre staff will help ensure that your event is a success every time.  To have a quick look inside take our quick tour (requires Windows Media Player).

To download the full brochure [PDF] click here.  For a booking form and terms and conditions [PDF] of hire click here.

The Blair Bell Education Centre also runs a number of professional and post graduate training courses open to external applicants.








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