Cheshire & Merseyside Genetic Services

Cheshire and Merseyside Genetics Service comprises the laboratories, Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics and the Clinical Genetics Services. Together they provide a comprehensive service to trusts across the geographical areas of Merseyside, Cheshire and the Isle of Man (population approximately 2.8 million). The laboratories also receive specialist referrals from Lancashire, North Wales and other areas of the U.K. In addition the laboratories receive samples on a cost per case basis from other local trusts, private hospitals and general practitioners.

Genetic disorders place considerable health and economic burden not only on affected people and their families but also on the community. Genetic disorders involve DNA (the blueprint of life) and a wide range can be identified either at the broader chromosomal level (Cytogenetics) or at a finer detailed level by Molecular Genetics. The Clinical Genetics service helps to establish an accurate diagnosis, provide information about prognosis, the risk of developing or transmitting the disorder and offers information and counselling to other family members.

All three services offer teaching at under and post graduate level and to professions within the healthcare environment. Additionally the laboratories offer limited work placement to 6th form colleges and undergraduates.

The  Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics Laboratories are sited in the Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust ; Clinical Genetics at Alder Hey Children's Hospital, and all are managed by the Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust Trust.


Documents available

   Revised 11.04.06 (Alan Clark)

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